Monday, November 3, 2008

What does our proverb mean to me?

Children tried a variety of ICT tools such as digital photography, Photostory, word processing and Paint to represent what our proverb (thinking disposition) means to us as individuals.


Anonymous said...

I think the work is great because you can learn lots of new computer skills.

Reiko =]

Anonymous said...

Photography was fun but the hardest bit about it was looking for a good picture that linked to our proverb.

Photostory was a little shaming because we had to say it while the class was sitting around us.

Anonymous said...

I liked taking the photos around our school. The paint activity was fun, too!

From Kellyanne

Anonymous said...

It was really hard when we had to find out what a proverb was,but when i started finding infomation on the internet it was easy.I liked making pictures on paint.

Anonymous said...

I liked Photostory because we got to narrate our ideas about our proverb. by Miltz

Anonymous said...

I liked Photostory because we got to narrate our ideas about our proverb. by Miltz

Anonymous said...

It was difficult finding out what a proverb was at first but after finding out what it meant it started making sense.It was great making pictures on paint.Sorrento.

Anonymous said...

The photography was awesome and the drawing was fun to because I got to draw a book.Next time I am looking at drawing a world and a bird.

It was a little shame thou

------By JoHaNsEn------

Anonymous said...

The photography,photostory,word processing and painting was cool because our whole group finished and we've done things that we've never done before,and it was a great learning experiment for me in ICT.


Anonymous said...

I really liked the photography but it was hard finding a picture and birds.
